Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Australian Slang Part Deux

Variations in Pronunciation

Heych- Apparently that is the "correct" way to pronounce H. I'm skeptical.
Pahss- It's Pahss, not pass

Debut- Day boo

Cities you're probably pronouncing wrong:

Melbin- Melbourne

Cairns- Cans
Brisbane- Brisbin
The general rule of Australian slang is to shorten anything and everything.


Shout- to buy someone else a round

Serviette- If you thought Napkin, you were right. Neither of those words really make sense to me, but I'll stick with what's familiar and say that napkin is a better word. It sounds much more informal.

Barby- Barbecue

Prawn- Shrimp

Ending things with Prepositions for ex. Me: How was that party last night? Aussie: It was hectic tho Me: Though what? Aussie: ?, sometimes people here end things in prepositions and it totally confuses me. It's something I hope doesn't catch on back home.

Footy- Football

Mueslis- granola bar

Chemist- Pharmacy or Drug Store

Toots- Recitations

Coon- Is a brand of Cheese, not racist slang. Needless to say, I did a discount double check when I walked past the cheese isle.

Flat- Apartment

Thongs- Sandals and also thong thongs

Trainers- Sneakers, tennis shoes

Wog- Post-WWII migrants, particularly darker skinned. I.e. Greeks, lebanese, etc. it's confusing if this is pejorative or not, but I think it depends on circumstance.

Bogan- the Australian version of a redneck

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