Sunday, July 22, 2012

First Day in Sydney

     Today, yesterday, these past 2? or is it 3? days have been crazy. I'm writing this in my internetless hostel (well it does have internet, but I'm not paying for that nonsense) at 10:14pm local time. However, as Pink Floyd says in their epic song "Time", time is a relative thing. My body is more confused than a bi-curious Butters and my mind is drowning in a tar-pit of jetlag. All in all, this makes for a rough blogpost, but I told y'all and, myself for that matter, that I would blog regularly. So here it goes, after I bested the bawling           backseat baby and slept through my flight from Charlotte to San Fran, I hopped on the BART and met up with my father's old friend Aldo. I stopped by his office to drop off my stuff and decided to walk around SF. His office was right by the Warf and I was able to see Alcatraz, albeit from a distance, an d enjoy what I concluded was unusually great weather. SF was a GORGEOUS place and I will have to go back, but I couldn't stay so I ate my final American meal, tacos, and boarded Air New Zealand.
      The flight was delayed 30min and I was stuck in the middle seat, but I slept for about 8 hours. The flight was roughly 14hrs and was dark all of the way, so I decided to stick with movies and watched Pitch Black, which was enjoyable and a handful of Sealab 2021 epidsodes. I was seated next to a native coming back for a conference and a newly made aussie coming back from a conference in SF. It was a quiet and uncomfortable ride, but I made it safe and sound (although, I was desperately trying to remember the number sequence from LOST for a good 30 min after the pilot said we were going to experience "extreme turbulence.") Anyhow, I landed in Sydney a little before 7am, met up with a hostel representative, put away my things and then went off to explore. It was drizzling when I first got off the plane, but it cleared up later in the afternoon and I was able to meet up with a few kids in my program. They were really nice and god knows how many miles we walked, but my best estimate is 3billion. One is originally from Chicago, now at GW and the other is from WA and goes to UW. (I made sure to mention how UNC played an awful game and still beat UW 2 years ago). Anyways, my brain is now pudding so I'll stick to bullet points.

Highlights of the day:

  • Having my first ever beer, it's like soda for adults, but more toxic and neurologically damaging. 
  • Being called out by some random guy and posing for a picture while we walked past each other. 
  • Getting lost around Campus, I didn't know it, but I was right near the damn thing for a good 30 min.

Aussie Observations:

  • Everything is muy expensivo, but I did find something, besides healthcare, that is cheaper here: Men's haircuts. Only $10 aussie dollars for a haircut. 
  • There are a lot of chinese people, but perhaps my perspective is skewed because I'm near chinatown...I think. 
  • Having the steering wheel on the right hand side of the car looks muchs sillier in-person than it does on tv. It just looks wrong, very very wrong.
  • An American medium soda at McDonald's is, in fact, a large internationally.
  • They have Fords here, not many, but I haven't seen any other American made cars. Go figure.
  • Last observation, there are more KFCs here than McDonald's. I don't get it. If they like cheap chicken, they should at least invest in a Bojangles or a Chic-fila

G'night mates

(This will be posted the next time I get internet, but I'm not going to take the time to revise it. Sorry for all of the punctuation errors Dr. Brown. I,t ca;n b'e tri.cky figurin:g out where to put them some?times")

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