Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello Everybody!

Friends, family, Aepi brothers, countrymen, and Romans..... 
             I've created this blog to help keep y'all up to date with all of my travels. As you all know, I'm going to be studying at the University of Sydney for the fall semester, or semester II as they call it in Australia. While in Sydney, I'll be updating this blog periodically, detailing my dastardly down-under deeds and I'll even upload some of my favorite pictures too! I'm extremely excited and, if you all follow my blog regularly, who knows, maybe you guys will get to live a little vicariously through me. So sit back, favorite the url  and enjoy all of my travels without any of the jetlag or the18 hour flight. 
G'dday mates!

p.s. If you didn't see the pun in that url address, let me explain it. It could either be A US Student from UNC or an AUS Student from UNC. 

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